Grandly proportioned, with a low seat, plush padding and allover button tufting, our sofa is comfort writ large. Its lavish styling recalls the classic Chesterfield – plush seating for London's turn-of-the-century gentlemen's clubs – while squared-off arms and a rakishly low profile imbue it with contemporary style. Sectional components are available individually, allowing you to customize the configuration of your choice.
- Expansive proportions accommodate a crowd
- Built of kiln-dried hardwood
- Sinuous spring with matrix webbing seat suspension
- Plushly padded with polyfill and deeply tufted on every side, even where two sections meet
- Sectional connectors are concealed beneath each piece
- Note that fabric and leather dye lots vary; pieces purchased at different times may not match exactly
- Left- or right-arm designation refers to the arm position as you face the item
- Lengths: 6', 7', 8', 9'
- Depth: 46"
- Height: 29"
- Seat Height: 15"
- Arm Height: 29"