Summerfield Single Family
Floor Plan: 6,400 SF
榮獲2017年Georgie Awards決賽 (建築&室內設計)
這個家的設計完美迎合了客戶的生活方式。主要的白色牆壁像藝廊一樣,能夠展示主人收藏的畫作。圖書館、客廳、用餐區和主廚房等正式空間與家庭區域分開,以確保功能性。 獨特的設計特點包括專為大鋼琴而設的客廳凹室,用於娛樂的大理石飾面的正式廚房,以及具有黑板牆的家庭廚房。
字母裝飾和女士更衣室等個性化的設計元素為設計增添了魅力。地下室的200瓶酒牆、吧台和視聽室滿足了娛樂所需。 像劈柴一樣的木頭材質營造了溫馨的氛圍,而具有上下玻璃窗的二樓休息室則提供了宜人的景色。童心十足的斑馬紋路反映孩子們的喜好。整體設計將美學與功能性完美融合,體現了客戶的品味,並且創造優質的生活體驗。

Balcony Design at Summerfield Residence (Custom Home) Designed by Linhan Design. Balcony area with swing door. Designed with red chairs to give a bold look to the white painted wall.

Main kitchen is formal, adult-orient spaces and separated from home’s more extensive, family-oriented, private areas.

Dining Area Design at Summerfield Residence (Custom Home) Designed by Linhan Design.

Living room Design at Summerfield Residence (Custom Home) Designed by Linhan Design. 200-bottle wine wall and adjacent wet bar, creates stylish, “help yourself” beverage area for people watching movies/sporting events in basement’s well-appointed theater room.

Ensuite bathroom with double sink vanity.

A view of the Family room in the dining area.

Chopped wood accents throughout give ambiance of having wood-burning fireplace for a cozy feel.

Traditional looking staircase with transom windows overlooks lily pond and allows sunshine to fill the second-floor landing.

Formal living-room (with alcove specifically sized for grand piano). Soft cushioned sofa to give softness and coziness to the space. Ceiling is designed to have a faux wood beam exposed colored in white.