Romantic Bohemian Sitting Area
Little White House, Fort Langley
Floor Plan: 420 SF
位於蘭里堡小白宮二樓的休憩空間,在設計師的改造後變成一間夢幻的白色波希米亞房間。受到Shabby Chic復古時尚的啟發,整間房間充滿著懷舊經典元素和柔軟色調。粉白漸層色牆散發少女般的迷人氣息,成為整體空間的視覺焦點。
Inspiration for a shabby-chic style home design remodel in Vancouver
Bohemian Style with ombre walls.
Very clean in white. Add up a little of soft textile and the area feels airy and cozy.
Wicker furniture set to add glam and style.
Inspiration for a shabby-chic style home design remodel in Vancouver with a twist! Revamp with Boho Style.
Shabby Chic interior design. White stained flooring showing rustic look. Added some wicker furniture and woven area rug to complete the look. Softness of design on the soft cushioned fabrics.
Cottage chic home design with bohemian theme and Ombre walls.
Before & After Makeover